German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

Mega DXpeditions QSL Gallery

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

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1A0C Sov Military Order of Malta (2012) 1A0C Sov Military Order of Malta (2014) 1A0C Sov Military Order of Malta (2019) 1A0C Sov Military Order of Malta (2023) 1A0KM Sov Military Order of Malta (2007) 1A4A Sov Military Order of Malta (2007) 1S0XV, 1S1RR Spratly Islands (1990) 3B6RF Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (2001) 3B7A Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (2018) 3B7C Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (2007) 3B7M Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (2023) 3B7RF Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (1998) 3B7SP Agalega & St. Brandon Islands (2007) 3B9C Rodrigues Island (2004) 3B9R Rodrigues Island (1999) 3C0L Annobon (2017) 3C0W Annobon (2018) 3C1L Equatorial Guinea (2017) 3C3W Equatorial Guinea (2018) 3D20CR Conway Reef (2009) 3D2AM Conway Reef (1990) 3D2C Conway Reef (2012) 3D2CI Conway Reef (2001) 3D2CI, 3D2CY Conway Reef (2001) 3D2CR Conway Reef (2019) 3D2CT, 3D2CU Conway Reef (1994) 3D2EU Rotuma (2018) 3D2R Rotuma (2011) 3D2RRR Rotuma (2022) 3D2XX Rotuma (1988) 3DA0DL Kingdom of Eswatini (2024) 3DA0ET Kingdom of Eswatini (2013) 3DA0RU Kingdom of Eswatini (2021) 3DA0WW Kingdom of Eswatini (2021) 3G0Y Easter Island (2001) 3G0YA Easter Island (2024) 3G0ZC Juan Fernandez Islands (2015) 3W3MD Viet Nam (2015) 3W8CW, 3W8DX Viet Nam (1988) 3XY1D Guinea (2011) 3XY1T Guinea (2016) 3XY7C Guinea (2002) 3Y0PI Peter 1 Island (1994) 3Y0X Peter 1 Island (2006) 3Y5X Bouvet Island (1989) 4A4A Revillagigedo (2011) 4J1FS Malyj Vysotskij Island (1989) 4J1FS Malyj Vysotskij Island (1992) 4O3T Montenegro (2006) 4S7DFG, 4S7FRG, 4S7LXG Sri Lanka (2014) 4W1A Timor-Leste (2023) 4W6A Timor-Leste (2011) 4W6RU Timor-Leste (2023) 4W8X Timor-Leste (2023) 5A7A Libya (2006) 5H1WX Tanzania (2024) 5H4WZ Tanzania (2020) 5I5TT, 5I4ZZ Tanzania (2020) 5J0P San Andres Island (2016) 5J0R San Andres Island (2013) 5K0K San Andres Island (2019) 5M2TT Liberia (2011) 5R8.. Madagascar (2022) 5R8CI, 5R8WE Madagascar (2024) 5R8M Madagascar (2014) 5T0SP Mauritania (2012) 5T5DC Mauritania (2008) 5T5OK Mauritania (2017) 5U1A Niger (2002) 5U5K Niger (2024) 5U5R Niger (2017) 5V7EI Togo (2019) 5V7RU Togo (2022) 5V7TT Togo (2010) 5W0LM Samoa (2023) 5W0M Samoa (2013) 5X3C, 5X3E Uganda (2019) 5X3K Uganda (2023) 5X7O Uganda (2024) 5X8C Uganda (2013) 5Z0L Kenya (2015) 6O0CW Somalia (2012) 6O0N Somalia (2006) 7O1YGF Yemen (2000) 7O6T Yemen (2012) 7O73T Yemen (2023) 7O8AD, 7O8AE Yemen (2023) 7P8C Lesotho (2016) 7P8D Lesotho (2012) 7P8EI Lesotho (2024) 7P8RU Lesotho (2021) 7Q5RU Malawi (2022) 7Q7EI Malawi (2018) 7Q7RU Malawi (2020) 7QAA Malawi (2015) 8N1OGA Ogasawara (2002) 8P9AE Barbados (2018) 8P9JR, 8P9JS, 8P9JT, 8P9JU Barbados (2000) 8Q7IO, 8Q7IQ Maldives (1998) 8R7X Guyana (2024) 8Z4A Saudi Arabia/Iraq Neut. Zone (1979) 9G1AA Ghana (1993) 9G5TT, 9G5XX Ghana (2009) 9J2LA Zambia (2020) 9J2T Zambia (2014) 9L1AB Sierra Leone (2002) 9L1X Sierra Leone (2008) 9LY1JM Sierra Leone (2019) 9M0C Spratly Islands (1998) 9M0L Spratly Islands (2012) 9M0S Spratly Islands (1993) 9M4SLL Spratly Islands (2013) 9N7EI Nepal (2017) 9Q0HQ Dem. Rep. of the Congo (2015) 9Q1AA, 9Q1ZZ Dem. Rep. of the Congo (2023) 9Q50ON Dem. Rep. of the Congo (2010) 9U0A Burundi (2007) 9U4M Burundi (2017) 9U4U Burundi (2013) 9U5R, 9U4WX Burundi (2023) 9X0R Rwanda (2008) 9X0T, 9X0Y Rwanda (2018) 9X5RU Rwanda (2023) A25R Botswana (2023) A25RU Botswana (2021) A25UK Botswana (2017) A35GC Tonga (2022) A35YZ Tonga (2012) A52A Bhutan (2000) A52P, A52CI Bhutan (2024) A5A Bhutan (2012) A82X, A82Z Liberia (2019) A8OK Liberia (2024) AA4NC/KP1 Navassa Island (1992) AH1A Baker Howland Islands (1993) AH3C/KH5J Palmyra & Jarvis Islands (1990) BQ9P Pratas Island (1998) BQ9P Pratas Island (2000) BS7H Scarborough Reef (2007) C21HA Nauru (2012) C21MM Nauru (2024) C50C, C52C The Gambia (2007) C5DL The Gambia (2019) C92RU Mozambique (2021) CB0ZA, ZEW, ZW Juan Fernandez Islands (2024) CY0MM Sable Island (2002) CY0S Sable Island (2023) CY9C Saint Paul Island (2016) CY9C Saint Paul Island (2024) CY9M Saint Paul Island (2012) CY9SS Saint Paul Island (2005) D60AC, D60AD Comoros (2021) D60AE Comoros (2022) D64K Comoros (2012) D66D Comoros (2016) D68BT, D68WL Comoros (2001) D68C Comoros (2001) D68CCC Comoros (2019) E30FB Eritrea (2015) E30GA Eritrea (1998) E31A Eritrea (2017) E31A Eritrea (2018) E31A Eritrea (2019) E44/HA1AG Palestine (1999) E44CC Palestine (2020) E44DX Palestine (1999) E4X Palestine (2010) E51CIK, E51WEG South Cook Islands (2023) E51D North Cook Islands (2023) E51M North Cook Islands (2012) E6AF, E6CI Niue (2023) E6AM Niue (2023) E6GG Niue (2015) EP2A Iran (2016) EP6T Iran (2015) ET7L Ethiopia (2016) FO0AAA Clipperton Island (2000) FO0CI Clipperton Island (1992) FO0XX Clipperton Island (1985) FP/VE7SV Saint Pierre & Miquelon (2004) FR/F6KDF/T Tromelin Island (2000) FT4GL Glorioso Island (2024) FT4JA Juan de Nova, Europa (2016) FT4TA Tromelin Island (2014) FT5GA Glorioso Island (2009) FT5XO Kerguelen Island (2005) FT5ZH Amsterdam & St Paul Islands (1998) FT5ZM Amsterdam & St Paul Islands (2014) FT8WW Crozet Island (2022) FW8GC, TX8GC Wallis & Futuna Islands (2024) H40AA Temotu Province (1998) H40WA Temotu Province (2024) H44G Solomon Islands (2013) H44WA Solomon Islands (2023) H7DX Nicaragua (2002) H7H Nicaragua (2013) HC8MD, HC8VHF Galapagos Islands (1981) HD8R Galapagos Islands (2021) HK0NA Malpelo Island (2012) HK0TU Malpelo Island (1990) HP0INT Panama (2013) HU1DL El Salvador (2020) HU2DX El Salvador (2012) IS0R Sardinia (2010) J20MM, J20RR Djibouti (2007) J28MD Djibouti (2022) J38R Grenada (2024) J5C Guinea-Bissau (2007) J5T Guinea-Bissau (2017) J5T, J5HKT Guinea-Bissau (2021) J88HL Saint Vincent (2013) JW0X Svalbard (2022) K1B Baker Howland Islands (2002) K1N Navassa Island (2015) K4M Midway Island (2009) K5D Desecheo Island (2009) K5K Kingman Reef (2000) K5P Palmyra & Jarvis Islands (2016) K7C Kure Island (2005) K8K American Samoa (2024) K9W Wake Island (2013) KH1/KH7Z Baker Howland Islands (2018) KH8T American Samoa (2024) KP2A/KP1 Navassa Island (1982) KP2A/KP5 Desecheo Island (1981) LU1ZC South Shetland Islands (1997) MD/DL-TEAM Isle of Man (2016) MU/PA9M Guernsey (2011) N5J Palmyra & Jarvis Islands (2024) N8S Swains Island (2007) NH8S Swains Island (2012) OH5AB/MVI, R1MVI Malyj Vysotskij Island (1997) OJ0X Market Reef (2011) P29RO Papua New Guinea (2022) P5RS7 Somewhere near N.Korea (1991) PJ4B, PJ4D, PJ4I, PJ4W Bonaire (2010) PJ4C Bonaire (2012) PJ5/SP9FIH Saba & St Eustatius (2024) PJ6A Saba & St Eustatius (2010) PJ7E Sint Maarten (2010) PJ7PT Sint Maarten (2012) PT0S Saint Peter and Paul Rocks (2012) PW0T Trindade & Martim Vaz Islands (2002) PX0FF Fernando de Noronha (2024) R1MVA, R1MV Malyj Vysotskij Island (1999) R1MVW, R1MVC Malyj Vysotskij Island (2005) S04R Western Sahara (2009) S05X Western Sahara (2003) S21ZBB, S21ZBC Bangladesh (2013) S21ZED, S21ZEE Bangladesh (2017) S79SP Seychelles Islands (2015) S9DX Sao Tome & Principe (2011) S9OK Sao Tome & Principe (2021) S9YY Sao Tome & Principe (2016) ST0R Republic of South Sudan (2011) ST0RY Sudan (2003) T22T Tuvalu (2023) T2C Tuvalu (2023) T2GC Tuvalu (2015) T30CW, T30Y Western Kiribati (1999) T30D Western Kiribati (2014) T30PY, T30SIX Western Kiribati (2012) T30R Western Kiribati (1999) T30UN Western Kiribati (2023) T31A Central Kiribati (2011) T31EU Central Kiribati (2019) T31T Central Kiribati (1999) T31T Central Kiribati (2016) T31TT Central Kiribati (2023) T32C Eastern Kiribati (2011) T32CI, T32MI, T32SI, T32VI Eastern Kiribati (2010) T32EU Eastern Kiribati (2024) T32RD Eastern Kiribati (2001) T32TT Eastern Kiribati (2023) T33A Banaba Island (2013) T33C Banaba Island (2004) T33R, T33T Banaba Island (1990) T33T Banaba Island (2022) TI9M Cocos Island (2002) TJ2TT Cameroon (2018) TJ3SP, TJ3FR Cameroon (2004) TJ9MD Cameroon (2023) TJ9PF Cameroon (2011) TL8AA, TL8ZZ Central African Republic (2022) TL8TT Central African Republic (2017) TN2MS Republic of the Congo (2013) TN2T Republic of the Congo (2012) TN5R Republic of the Congo (2018) TN8K Republic of the Congo (2023) TO2DL Guadeloupe (2022) TO2SP Saint Barthélemy (2017) TO2TT Mayotte (2013) TO4E, TO4WW Juan de Nova, Europa (2003) TO6OK Mayotte (2018) TO7CC Reunion Island (2014) TO7DL Reunion Island (2020) TO80SP Saint Pierre & Miquelon (2019) TO8FH Mayotte (2023) TS7C Tunisia (2009) TS7N Tunisia (2000) TS7N Tunisia (2003) TT8RR, TT8XX, TT8TT Chad (2024) TT8TT Chad (2012) TU2T Cote d'Ivoire (2011) TU5MH Cote d'Ivoire (2017) TU5PCT Cote d'Ivoire (2022) TU7C Cote d'Ivoire (2017) TX0DX Chesterfield Islands (2000) TX3A Chesterfield Islands (2009) TX3X Chesterfield Islands (2015) TX4T French Polynesia (2010) TX5C Clipperton Island (2008) TX5K Clipperton Island (2013) TX5N Austral Islands (2022) TX5S Clipperton Island (2024) TX6D French Polynesia (2023) TX6G Austral Islands (2014) TX7EU Marquesas Islands (2016) TX7L Marquesas Islands (2023) TX7M, TX5A Marquesas Islands (2011) TX7T Marquesas Islands (2019) TX7W Austral Islands (2024) TY0RU Benin (2022) TY1AA Benin (2014) TY5C Benin (2024) TY7C Benin (2018) V26EA, V26ET, V26FM, V26WP Antigua & Barbuda (2000) V26EI Antigua & Barbuda (2023) V55LA Namibia (2024) V73D Marshall Islands (2015) V84SAA Brunei (2019) V84SMD Brunei (2012) VK0EK Heard Island (2016) VK0HI, VK0CW Heard Island (1983) VK0IR Heard Island (1997) VK9DLX, VK9LM Lord Howe Island (2014) VK9DNX Norfolk Island (2007) VK9DWX Willis Island (2008) VK9LA Lord Howe Island (2009) VK9MA Mellish Reef (2017) VK9ML Mellish Reef (2002) VK9MM Mellish Reef (1993) VK9MT Mellish Reef (2014) VK9NK Norfolk Island (2020) VK9WA Willis Island (2015) VK9WM, VK9WY Willis Island (1997) VK9XSP Christmas Island (2014) VK9XY Christmas Island (2023) VK9ZM Mellish Reef (1989) VP2M* Montserrat (2002) VP2MDL Montserrat (2017) VP6A Ducie Island (2023) VP6BR Pitcairn Island (2000) VP6D Ducie Island (2018) VP6DI Ducie Island (2002) VP6DX Ducie Island (2008) VP6EU Pitcairn Island (2017) VP6R Pitcairn Island (2019) VP6T Pitcairn Island (2012) VP8GEO South Georgia Islands (2002) VP8ORK South Orkney Islands (2011) VP8PJ South Orkney Islands (2020) VP8SDX Falkland Islands (2001) VP8SGI South Georgia Islands (2016) VP8SSI South Sandwich Islands (1992) VP8STI South Sandwich Islands (2016) VU4AN/* Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2006) VU4KV Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2014) VU4PB Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2011) VU4RBI, VU4NRO Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2004) VU4W Andaman & Nicobar Islands (2022) VU7A Lakshadweep Islands (2023) VU7AG Lakshadweep Islands (2013) VU7LD/* Lakshadweep Islands (2006) VU7RG, VU7MY Lakshadweep Islands (2007) VU7W Lakshadweep Islands (2023) W5IJU/KP1 Navassa Island (1993) W8S Swains Island (2023) XF4DL Revillagigedo (2006) XF4L Revillagigedo (1989) XR0X San Felix Islands (2002) XR0Y, XR0Z Easter Island (1995) XR0YD Easter Island (2018) XR0ZR Juan Fernandez Islands (2013) XR0ZRC Juan Fernandez Islands (2019) XT2C Burkina Faso (2007) XT2TT Burkina Faso (2013) XU7MDC Cambodia (2016) XW4DX Laos (2023) XX9D Macao (2017) XX9D Macao (2019) XY0RR Myanmar (1991) XZ0A Myanmar (2000) XZ1J Myanmar (2013) XZ1N Myanmar (1998) XZ7A Myanmar (2003) YA0RR Afghanistan (1991) YA5MM Afghanistan (1992) YI9PSE Iraq (2010) YJ0TT Vanuatu (2023) YU6AO Montenegro (2006) YX0A, YX0LIX Aves Island (2006) YX0AI Aves Island (1992) Z21RU Zimbabwe (2022) Z23MD Zimbabwe (2018) Z60A Republic of Kosovo (2018) Z66DX Republic of Kosovo (2020) ZA1A Albania (1991) ZC4A UK Bases on Cyprus (2018) ZD7Z Saint Helena (2024) ZD9W Tristan da Cunha & Gough Islands (2023) ZK2C Niue (2012) ZK2V Niue (2011) ZK3A Tokelau Islands (2019) ZL7AAA Chatham Island (2014) ZL7C Chatham Island (2002) ZL7DK Chatham Island (1998) ZL7G Chatham Island (2016) ZL8R Kermadec Island (2006) ZL8RI Kermadec Island (1996) ZL8X Kermadec Island (2010) ZL9CI New Zealand Subantarctic Islands (1999) ZL9HR New Zealand Subantarctic Islands (2012) ZS9Z/ZS1 Penguin Island (1990)