German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

VP8GEO - South Georgia Islands - 2002

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QSL VP8GEO Previous DXpedition: 3D2CI, 3D2CY Next DXpedition: 5U1A

Operation: January 28, 2002 - February 4, 2002 (8 days)
Comments: VP8GEO was the follow-up DXpedition to South Sandwich VP8THU with the same operators between January 18 and 22, 2002 and 26,618 QSOs (VP8THU and VP8GEO altogether 70,428 QSOs)
Operators: 9V1YC EI5IQ EI6FR HB9ASZ K0IR K4UEE K5TR N5KO PA3FQA VE3EJ W3WL W7EW (12 operators)
Total QSOs Uniques
43,810 n/a
per Band:
160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m
233 1,504 3,705 4,038 10,039 6,144 8,359 4,564 5,224
per Mode:
CW Phone Digital
24,933 18,486 391