German DX Foundation - GDXF
Mega DXpeditons Honor Roll

T30CW, T30Y - Western Kiribati - 1999

Introduction | Honor Roll | by Year | by Prefix | DXCC Entities | QSO Totals per Entity | Continents | Single OP | World Records
Top 20 Bands | Top 20 Modes | QSOs per Day | Operators | Operators vs. countries | QSL Gallery | Needed

QSL T30CW, T30Y Previous DXpedition: T31T Next DXpedition: XZ0A

Operation: October 20, 1999 - November 10, 1999 (22 days)
Comments: T30CW on CW/RTTY, T30Y on Phone. Part of the team (DL7DF DL7UFR DL2RUM DL2NWK) sailed to Banaba Island and logged 10,634 QSOs as T33CW and T33Y between Oct 28 and Nov 1, 1999.
Operators: DD6UYL DJ6TF DL2RUM DL4WK (ex DL2NWK) DL7BO DL7DF (Team Leader) DL7UFR DL7VFR (8 operators)
Total QSOs Uniques Uniques %
32,646 15,430 47.3 %
per Band:
160m 80m 40m 30m 20m 17m 15m 12m 10m 6m
324 1,986 3,166 2,036 7,145 3,092 5,294 3,176 5,707 720
per Mode:
CW Phone Digital
19,036 12,401 1,209